WOW! We heard the heartbeat today. I was totally not expecting it, I'm only 8 weeks and 3 days, I thought it was too early. Needless to say, after the way I've been feeling, it was just what I needed to hear! It was amazing. It really put my mind at ease. (For the time being at least)
Dr. Ayers was amazing too! He was so compassionate and considerate about my fears. Every time I go for an appointment, I leave with a smile. (Even during the tough appointments). I am so blessed to have been brought to IVF of Michigan! I feel comfortable to express my thoughts and opinions and I am taken seriously and respected. I'm worried about hormone levels, so they did blood work to check it for me. I need to see my baby's heartbeat weekly, so I have an appointment next Monday and weekly there after until I feel comfortable! It is just an amazing place. As much as I didn't want to have to be a patient, boy am I feeling blessed to be with them now!
I expressed my concern about lack of symptoms and fluctuation of symptoms. He doesn't just say it's normal and move on. He explains it to me and why it happens and that calms my fears. He said, “I'm sorry your not feeling sick”, I reply sarcastically “I know, is a little morning sickness, nausea and frequent urination too much to ask for...jeeze”. We laugh together! Jason is right there, and it's the most wonderful experience ever. I just can't tell you how great this Dr. is! Jason and I both love him and think he is fabulous!
So, for a while, I am feeling relaxed and enjoying being pregnant. The relief I felt today after getting myself so worked up will ease my crazy mind in the future. Maybe this experience will help keep my crazy mind/body from playing tricks on me and convincing myself that “it's happening again”. I completely had my self convinced that today I would find out my little baby had no heartbeat. It is a nightmare I have lived in the past and I just can't seem to get past it. This is going to stick with me and I am going to keep the faith, pray lots and stay positive! This baby will be in my arms in August!!!
50 Pounds Down
8 years ago